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How To Find A Person Online

Reasons to use People Search Engines:

Hey! How's it going? Well, it's going to go a lot better once you know how to find a person online. My name is Kat, and I'm delighted you've stumbled onto my corner of the World Wide Web Universe. I love finding people from my past, so I wanted to create a site to share that interest with you. I started this site to help you be able to easily find a person online, do a background check, or reverse phone search with NO problem (it's easier than you think). I'm also here to introduce you to the wide and fun world of people search and people search engine. I say pish posh to social networks. I like good old fashioned people finding, so jump on board!

July Updates!
The heat! The heat! And what makes it even worse is my neighbor has all these irritating kids running around. Turns out they're from her brand spanking new annoying step siblings, since her dad got remarried. Infuriating. I just want to do my people searches in quiet, thank you very much!

June Updates!
Man, summer months are lazy, huh? It's so hot I don't feel like doing anything. Maybe if I got an air conditioner I'd be motivated to do things, you think? As it is, I just sit on my couch sipping lemonade. Sometimes I do a people search, and that's about the only thing I can do. I can search for people since that does exhaust me, but everything else does.

May Updates!
Happy Cinco de Mayo everybody!! You know, I just realized, I have no idea what Cinco de Mayo even celebrates? Isn't it like getting the snakes our of Spain or something? Whatever. All I know is that I'm going to be slurping Corona tonight. So here are your links for this month to find someone, search people, and defend against cheerleader attacks.

April Updates!:
Boy, you guys are lucky I didn't update until today. If I had done it yesterday, I woulda had you guys reeling from my awesome April Fool's trick. I'm pretty well known around here for them! As it stands now, I'm just gonna give you some awesome links:
People Finder
People Search
Finding People Who Don't Want To Be Found

March Updates!:
Hiya hiya howdy! It's me again and I have an even bigger smorgasbord of people search tidbits and tips for you to devour! I can almost guarantee that you guys will benefit in a major way from this information I'm divulging to you. They've worked for me in the past so I assume it'll be the same for you.
People Finder
Background Check
People Lookup
Fictional Candidates For President

February Updates!:
Hello hello! I am back and it's still a new year and I have a whole slew of new people search sites for you guys to look over and hopefully learn a lot from! I have been making good on my good premonitions from last time and I have been having much luck with finding people and friends, and now I'm here to share with you my latest people search finds.
Find a Person
People Search
Public Records Now

January Updates!:
Well hello! I am back and it is a new year! I'm so excited to start a whole new year of people searching. I have a good feeling about it. I think I will find a lot of people, friends, and family. I have been scouring the Net to find you helpful sites in your own personal people search quest! Enjoy!:
Phone Listings
Search for People
Bebo ---cool social network that is popular in the UK!

December Update!!

I barely made it in before the New Year. Bet you guys were getting worried, huh? Well, Kat's back with even more awesome people search tips. Here's the first gem: if you're having trouble locating someone, try alternate spellings of their name. John, Jon, I've even seen Jhon. And now for some links, one useful and one just funny (and a little useful):
Find Someone
Things to Do in Traffic

November Update!!

Back with all your top people search tips and tricks! Before I get into that, just wanna update you all on my cousin that I found through people search. I am so glad we reconnected after all these years. We are just the same, two peas in a pod!. We met up in Vegas last weekend and had such an awesome reunion. From my lips to your ears, don't let too much time pass, people search those important people you have lost touch with. Life is too short to put off the important stuff. And if you're thinking about finding someone, check out these cool sites as well for people search tips and tricks:
Person Search
Person Search - Finding a Holiday Decorator

October Update!!

And, she's back! Hello everyone, Kat here with more news in people search. I have had a lot more time to people search lately and have a few quality sites. Just wanted to also say that I found a cousin that I haven't seen since we were kids! How did I do that?? People search engines of course!

Find Someone Blog


Hey there, everyone. I'm back again with more great people search updates to help you find all the people in your life that you are looking for. This site is mostly about background checks, but those are useful in people searching too. Sometimes you never know how someone may have changed since the last time you saw them. It's good to check they haven't turned into felons before flying to stay with them for a weekend. The other site I have for you is about people search in general, but mostly profiles companies that are leading the way in developing new ways to people search all the time. Check them out. They're awesome, and probably my newest favorite site.


This site just keeps getting longer and longer! Pretty soon, when you print it out, it will be pages and pages! So exciting. Well, I've been people searching a lot lately, and I've been finding people I haven't spoken to in years! It's so amazing, you need to check it out. I have a new site to recommend this month. Enjoy!

Find a Person Blog

Hey guys, I am ready to make my baby site grow into a giant! I have so much people searching information to share, but not that much time, so I will give it away a little at a time. That's why you gotta keep checking back for new info.

For a good People Finder site, click on this one. Very helpful.

If you just want to find a person , then this one is simple to navigate.

More info later on!